Ethically Educating on Environmental Policy: a policy-based local climate initiative at the University of Virginia

One Planet. One City. One Goal.

We’ll keep you informed on what is being talked about, voted on, and still in the works.

You’ll have direct access to summaries of relevant environmental legislation that affects you.

We’ll keep track of what the people in office (and running for it) have to say about the environment.

Every difference of opinion is not a difference of principle. We have called by different names, brethren of the same principles.

Thomas Jefferson

But Why?

Ethical Education

We believe that one of the most important parts of preventing further damage to the environment and climate destruction lies in the policy passed by the government (local, state, and federal). A lot of public policy gets lost behind buzz words, which makes it even harder to stay up to date on local politics. Because we are passionate about climate justice, we designed this site to be an easy access point for unbiased information on environmental policy in Charlottesville, VA, to educate our peers and our community on what’s happening in their government that’s affecting their climate.

Who We Are

Just some college kids

Both of the founding members of EEEP are students at the University of Virginia, studying the physical sciences and the dangers posed to our climate. With help from peers, professors, and family, they started this unbiased, jargon-free, site dedicated to the legal side of the environment they love.

Want to get involved?

We need your help to do what we do. Apply to be a part of one of our teams!

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